Failing, Flailing, and Bailing...

...that's what I end up doing when I try to take on the whole world by myself. But that doesn't seem to stop me...

Saturday, September 16, 2006

On the comfort of straightjackets.

I've never been a fan of them myself, that is, never until I wore one. Which, sadly, is still in the future, so I don't think I am as of yet allowed to like them. But I have put on a jacket backwards and let someone tie the sleeves together, so that's close. And I did find that somewhat pleasant. I found out some good things today, mainly that I'm an acceptable soccer (Futball) referree. And I miss having actual people within 6 years of my age that I can hang out with. And every fall after camp I get bogged down and distracted by the proposition of mundane, low-end, mcjobs (look it up, it's in the New Websters Dictionary) for the next 4-6 years until I can get out of debt enough to go to school (and likely get into debt again) so I can get a job working with a church or something, so I can then start "my life". It gets old after thinkin about it for 12-13 seconds. I wish I could just hit "Reset" (Oh the joys of the NES). And I know that "All things work together for good", and I believe it, it just gets old sometimes. If you would, please be so kind as to pray for me as I take the next step in trying to follow God. I think I see what it is, but I would like to be sure. And to feel His Peace. I'm tired of existing, and I'm ready to live. Thanks.

(P.S. Don't you hate it when you hit "Save as Draft" instead of "Publish Post" and then check to see if anyone commented the next day only to find that you never even posted? I do)

Monday, September 11, 2006


Oh no! I'm sorry! You started reading it! Now you have Bulletinitis! It's a very rare and painful sickness that lies dormant for years and only flares up when you send a forward, or copy and paste a bulletin. If you send this, or any other message you get from anyone, you will have the full-blown disease! Please take this seriously, I'm not joking! The disease starts slowly, just itching around the eyes and a few sore muscles/joints. It intensifies within a few hours, with cramping in the legs, and the skin around your fingernails starts to pull away, leaving gaping wounds. It then builds to a horrifying crescendo, as your face literally falls off of your body moments before your heart starts pumping out acid instead of blood, which eats your body from the inside out. After the disease takes it's toll on the human involved, often little kittens will come up to the vile mess on the ground and step in it, thereby being eaten by the acid themselves.
***** If your eyes DO start itching, the only thing you can do to stop the disease from spreading is to go to a friend and have them punch you in the face for sending out a forward. It has to be a hard punch in order for the disease to be knocked back into dormancy. Using a baseball bat or other implement is often effective.
This is a real problem, and it is becoming an epidemic. To find out more, go to: . They have the answers there. Please, don't take this lightly, if you ever want to be with the one you love, or want to be successful in life, or have magical powers, or JUST DON'T WANT TO DIE, don't copy and paste this or any more bulletins. Think of the kittens...

I'm not sure this deserves a title

Jut let me warn you, you might not enjoy this, or even want to read it, and that's ok. You've been warned, so here goes....:

Lo, and listen to the raven's cries/
Hear it sounding forth the great demise/
tumbling out upon the field my words like warriors are ever-mindful of the overseer & its dreadful glare cracking beak and tearing talons but scorning protocol tradition and the rules they now find their way to a banquet a banquet of chaos and decay having slumbered for so long they now have been reckless ruthlessly laying waste to each other as they long for a long walk crying and sleeping that's what they want but they never sleep they always look for a target they are animals of war accustomed to fresh feasts and new wine they take what they see with no regard to propriety seeking serving and putting themselves above all and falling at the feet of knees wailing and gnashing brash and hate-filled symmetry all but lost on cracking boards of watchersby wanting a peek under the skirt of the warrior tick tick tick the bomb ticks like a man what makes a man tick like a warrior what makes a bomb tick tick tick like a clock sounding zero-hour on our doom and our happiness these words can't say what these words don't know/mean/feel/do i can't say i want to crawl away and towards something something something real and big and not worth missing i miss you i miss me i miss living i'm tired of mis-living
See it circle, soaring overhead/
A watcher spotting danger for my sake/
My heart should peace, not overfill with dread/
Now I lay me down to sleep before I wake.

Ok, so I warned you. Sorry. Don't feel like you have to comment or anything, I was/am just putting this out there....

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I forgot to mention...

I forgot to mention that I have a new best friend. Freshly dried sheets. Yep, if you've never done so, spill a sody-pop on your bed right now, then wash your sheets. But wait until your ready for bed before you dry them and as soon as you take them out of your dryer, put them on your bed and climb in. EUPHORIA, you've found a new home!
Also, in other-worldy news, I'm now officially a Model/Actor, and not the other way around. I signed with an agency yesterday, and had an audition. I don't think nuch will come of it right away, but like I always say, (all right, so I said it for the first time today) "God can bless me in whatever way He wishes, whenever He wants to, but it doesn't hurt to help Him out when I can." And I had to shave for the audition. yeah. shave. For the first time since July. That is, July 2005. I look like an oversized 4th grader. With a 5 o'clock shadow.
Well, here's hoping your wekend was more or less immensely enjoyable.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Dan's House of Cruellers

I went to Dan Hawkin's house. It was fun. There were a lot of people there. I enjoyed it. I got to spend the night. We watched a few movies. We watched The Colbert Report. That Stephen Colbert, he's a funny one! I got to eat PIZZA! Then I went to visit Jen. That was nice. I had a good two days. I hope you did, too! Bye-bye.