Failing, Flailing, and Bailing...

...that's what I end up doing when I try to take on the whole world by myself. But that doesn't seem to stop me...

Sunday, October 22, 2006

no title

So the Family Force Five concert was good. I posted a few pics and a video on my myspace: Boogity-boogity-boo!
(Does that answer your question, Dan?) I think I may have found a way to post more/more effectively. If I have, you'll notice. (Because there will be more posts.) Sorry I'm not funny now.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Wednseday night.

The Five.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Nothing original here.

Alrighty then, I told you I'd try to put something up here more regularly, and I can't think of anything interesting to say, so here is the tenative (pronounced: not likely) first paragraph of my first book. Like the title of this post says, this is not new. In fact, it's over a year old now, but I found it and read it and thought about it, so that's good. I might even put another paragraph with it sometime, or even a page or two. But this is all for now. I hope you enjoy.

The Midget Prince (this is a tenative title as well)

George climbed to the top of the hill and looked back one last time at his home, the home he had known for his whole life. He said his single, sad goodbye and hiked down into a wild and unknown country. All of his life was now a mystery; no one who knew him before this day would see him again, and no one who met him from this point on would know who he really was. He breathed a sigh of relief mixed with a little bit of fear, and realized that shame had left him. He breathed again, and the fear had subsided; once more, and joy had taken its place. He realized that he really was free to start a new life, and that his new life could be almost anything he wanted it to be.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

I'm sorry

I apologoze for the somewhat venomous bent of part of my previous post. I was behaving childishly, and my post was an example of that. I will try to delight myself in The Lord and not let other people dictate the way I feel. I'm also gonna try to post something on at least a twice-weekly type of timeline. Thanks for being there, thanks for caring, thanks for wearing brown and black together.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Here we go.

Sorry for not posting in a (long) while. Things have been good here. It's been busy, but that's ok. Just a few quick points as I try to get re-aclimated to online culture (and if you're reading this, chances are, I'm not ranting about you in point one).

  • Over the last few years, I've received much praise (mostly justified) for my efforts in "keeping-in-touch" with CWR staff and other friends. This year has been different. I really just don't seem to care if I talk to anyone or not. I know that this isn't healthy, but it's the way I feel. I'm tired of always being the one to make the call. Ever since I was like, 14, I've been the one to start any type of conversations or "hang-out" times. I've been the one to call and say, "Hey." I've been the one to ask if people want to hang out. I've been the one to initiate almost all conversation that has transpired between myself and virtually any other human being (notable exceptions being: Dan Hawkins, Lisa Adams, J, and for a short period of that time, Matt Youngblood, Steve Yoder, and I'm sure one or two other people at some time for a month or two). I mean, I could be wrong, but I see people talking to each other, and it seems that one of them must have started the conversation. It's just something that has always bothered me, and I'm tired of putting so much of myself out there and not getting much return. I guess I'm just tired. So, if you're reading this and I haven't called you in a while, don't take offense, take your phone, and call someone, anyone, even me if you want to.
  • I taught a combined Sunday school this morning, with 7-12 grades all together. It went well, though a few people that normally show up weren't there. I'll keep you all updated on the class and what we do. Unity is going to be our focus for a while.
  • In other news, a county in my area had a picnic for their health department. For the next few days the health department was missing a few of their employees, as mass food poisoning took it's toll. Originally thought to be from bad potato salad, it turns out that the E-coli (just the regular type, not the spinach kind) came in the form of under-cooked hamburgers. There was no loss of life, and everyone has recovered as well as expected so far. I just thought it odd...