Failing, Flailing, and Bailing...

...that's what I end up doing when I try to take on the whole world by myself. But that doesn't seem to stop me...

Friday, November 24, 2006

My Car.

AHHHHhhh! Uh, Happy Thanksgiving recovery day. I sincerely hope your Thinksgiving day was blessed.
I've found myself in a bit of a predicament. I may have offended someone close to me, and I don't know how to make it right. By my calculations, Monday night, on the way to Jeremy's house, my car hit 100,000 miles. I didn't notice for another coupla days or so. I don't know what I should do to make it up to him/her. I mean, it's oil change isn't for another 1000 miles or so, and I can't afford new paint or rims. I'm at a loss. Please, if you have any ideas about how to patch up our relationship, let me know ASAP. I don't want to leave this situation raw like this any longer than I have to. Thanks for your understanding and swift response.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

My internet is back up.

So, what a week. My month was a bit odd. I lost my computer's internet access a while ago, and got it back yesterday. But I'm jumping ahead there, and this is going to have to be organized if it's gonna make any sense at all. This is the week that has just transpired.
To start, I went to work a bit early so I could then go to Matt's play. I went to Matt's play. It was good. I got to hang out with the Creacy's and was exposed to the wonderous joyness of Charlie the Unicorn. (see Dan's blag, or youtube)
Tuesday I got to eat breakfast with Matt and Luke Whitehead. It was good. I then went home and played some PS2 for awhile (maybe 7 was my day off; and though I'm not proud of the time I spent [some would say, "wasted"] I did spend them in such a manner, and I'm giving you the facts.) (Remind me to tell you my ideas about the enticement and allure of video games some time, I think it could be an interesting topic.).
Wednesday seemed kinda normal when I woke up, but then I got to work. I was asked shortly after arrival to consider, on such short notice, working the midnight shift as well later that night. I thought for a moment, and responded in the affirmative. After my morning shift I went to AWANA then stayed at home for a few hours then went to work. At 6:00, after being awake for 22 hours, I finished my shift for the day of Thurs, and decided to go to Wal-Mart to get a router for my computer so it would work. When I got to Wal-Mart, I saw a friend of a friend sitting on a bench. That wasn't too weird in itself, but because it was 7:00 AM, and I knew this guy didn't usually get up that early, it made me go, "Hmmm." He then told me that he was waiting in line for a PS3. I thought for a moment, and decided that, since I had already worked that day's shift, I, too, was waiting for a PS3. I called J, and a few hours later he was in line as well. And we had a great line. There was none of that pushing and fighting or anything, we held each others spots, even let each other go to restaraunts in the shopping center. Number 2 was actually a local children's minister. And number 8 was a homeless man being paid to wait. I was 10 and J was 12. We were forced to wait outside, due to this Wal-mart's policy. That wasn't so bad for most of the morning, but, by mid-day, the storm system that caused the tornadoes across parts of our great state came through with a vengance. Or maybe just a lot of water in a short amount of time. About the time that it became pointless for us to go inside because we were totally soaked already, they let us come in to wait in the foyer. Sometime during the day, I went to RadioShack and discovered that my other router was still under warranty, and would be until Sunday. Some time after dark the local news station showed up (and yes, I meant to say that the station showed up. One guy pretty much does it all, writing, reporting, anchor, tech, commercial filming, y'know, th whole shebang.) and interviewed me and a few of the other people standing in line. We even got to show him what we did to stay warm, Hacky-sack. At about 10 or 10:30 PM they gave out the rain-checks to numbers 7-12, and we were free to leave. So J and I drove to Ahoskie because rumor had it that at 6PM they had no one in line, and they weren't opening the doors until 7:00 AM. We got there at 11:50, and 12 & 13 had just shown up. They had 12 spots at their Wal-Mart as well. We drove home (J stopping in Ro-Rap to drop me off at my car) and about the time I crawled into bed Friday morning at 2:00 I hit my 42nd consecutive waking hour. I slept.
When I got to work (a few hours late -- don't worry, I called in tired on Thursday), I had an uneventful shift. I then took a shower and went to church for our monthly Open Gym night. I played some soccer-type sport in an enclosed room (lots of running into each other) then shot some B-Ball. After a few minutes of that, we lowered the goal to a more accessible level (8' 6") and had a dunk contest type thing. That'll wear you out. It kills the legs. Badly.
Saturday I got up in time to go to RadioShack and Wal-Mart and exchange my new router and pick up my replacement for my old one before heading to CWR for the last retreat of the season. It was a nice, cool, breezy afternoon. I got to discuss the prospects of UNC's upcoming lesson in dominating a sport from the opening tip-off in November until the Madness of March starts to fade slowly away into the glow of yet another trophy sitting in a well-lit case for posterity to murmer in wonder at the splendor and glory of a truly great franchise and their hard-won hardware. Or something like that. Then I came home, planned a Sunday School lesson, installed a router and the appropriate software, and have been writing this blag entry ever since. I hope you've read and enjoyed it, I've enjoyed reading yours, and I never miss it. I'm just too shy to comment.