Failing, Flailing, and Bailing...

...that's what I end up doing when I try to take on the whole world by myself. But that doesn't seem to stop me...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Let the stories begin, or (to steal a motif from Dan and subtitle my blog entries) It's good to be home.

So it's Tuesday. I got back from CWR on Saturday. I still haven't slept "one good time." I'm ready to tonight, though. I put brand-new (Read: freshly-washed) sheets on my bed last night, the last ones in the hous that actually stay on the mattress without me having to pull the corners back over the edges 2-8 times a night, and said to myself, "Man, these feel good. I won't have to change them for 6 months!" And i slept well, just not long enough. After work today I ate some burgers, watched a movie, and talked to Lisa. It was 8:30 tonight, all I had to do was take a shower, and i'd be ready for bed. So i tossed the dvd, in the case, up on to my bed (it's a loft bed, 5'5" or so) so it would be closer to my filing cabinet, where I store my movies. Then I grabbed a soda (Coke w/Lime, in case you're wondering) and tossed/dropped it onto my bed as well. Mind you, this was a forward-momentum-only type toss, the can dropped maybe 4 inches to my mattress and only travelled 2-3 feet forward, and only 6-8 inches in the air, before it hit the mattress. It then gently bounced of of the DVD case, bursting a hole in its side, spewing Coke (With LIME) all over my freshly made (one day ago) bed. Yeah, postpone the shower. Change my sheets. I still haven't washed the ones I used at CWR, or the ones that I took off last night, so we're out of clean ones. So right now, instead of having been asleep over an hour, I've got like 15 minutes left until my sheets are dry, then I get to make my bed, then try to sleep. On the bright side of things, at least my bed will be made when I lie down in it tonight. Probably.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

wow...what a long post.

Hey, I'm back. For good. Or at least until I work a weekend at CWR again, which'll probably be in like, a week. But seriously, I think I can keep up with this thing now.
So, I checked out a few other people's sites and ran into something that took WAY longer than I had planned. I read my friend Josh's blog and needed to respond to it. I HIGHLY recomend that anyone who cares about their walk with God check out his post and the ensuing responses.
I think this will work.

if not, try this,

and then read Wed. Aug 23rd and the comments. But watch out, it's long and deep in there. Seriously.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Hey, i'm kinda back...

I'm glad, almost to the point of exuberance, to know that people out there care. i had an amazing last few weeks at camp! actually, my whole camp experience has been amazing, but that's a story for another blog. i'd just like to shout out to Bigfeet and AVALANCHE!!! thanks for being pretty much awesome!!! to everyone out there, read Romans 12 and pay attention to the order of things, the first part says to be living sacrfices and to be transformed, the second tells you how to do that. God's even more awesome than AVALANCHE! get some sleep and think of eternal raves (drug-free, that is).